On the Class of Wei-Yao-Liu Conjugate Gradient Methods for Vector Optimization


  • Jamilu Yahaya Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria
  • Poom Kumam King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
  • Sani Salisu Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Sule Lamido University Kafin Hausa, Jigawa, Nigeria.
  • Auta Jonathan Timothy Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Federal University Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria.




Conjugate gradient method , Pareto-optimality, Sufficient descent condition, Vector optimization


Vector optimization problems (VOPs) are crucial research areas with widespread applications. The scalarization approach is commonly used to solve VOPs by transforming vector-valued functions into single-objective optimization. Despite its elegance, this method has the drawback of subjective weight selections. Alternatively, we propose five conjugate gradient (CG) methods designed for VOPs, where the set of Pareto-optimal points are obtained without weight selections, the methods are Wei-Yao-Liu (WYL) and four of its variants. Three of these methods lack sufficient descent conditions (SDC) in this context. However, we establish their global convergence using Wolfe line search. The remaining two methods fulfill SDC with the Wolfe line search, and their global convergence is further verified using the Wolfe line search. Importantly, our approach does not rely on regular restart or convexity assumptions associated with objective functions. We conduct numerical experiments to showcase the effectiveness of our methods, comparing them with the nonnegative PRP method. Through these experiments, we demonstrate the practical implementations of our proposed techniques.

Author Biographies

Jamilu Yahaya, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria

PhD student at Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), 126 Pracha-Uthit Road, Bang Mod, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand.

Poom Kumam, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi

Professor of Mathematics at

1. Center of Excellence in Theoretical and Computational Science (TaCS-CoE) and KMUTTFixed Point, Research Laboratory, Room SCL 802 Fixed Point Laboratory Science Laboratory Building, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), 126 Pracha-Uthit Road, Bang Mod, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand.
2. NCAO Research Center, Fixed Point Theory and Applications Research Group, Center of Excellence in Theoretical and Computational Science (TaCSCoE), Faculty of Science, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), 126 Pracha-Uthit Rd, Bang Mod, Thung Khru, Bangkok 10140, Thailand.

Sani Salisu, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Sule Lamido University Kafin Hausa, Jigawa, Nigeria.

B.Sc. M.Sc. and PhD. in Mathematics




How to Cite

Yahaya, J., Kumam, P., Salisu, S., & Timothy, A. J. (2024). On the Class of Wei-Yao-Liu Conjugate Gradient Methods for Vector Optimization. Nonlinear Convex Analysis and Optimization: An International Journal on Numerical, Computation and Applications, 3(1), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.58715/ncao.2024.3.1