Nonlinear Convex Analysis and Optimization: An International Journal on Numerical, Computation and Applications 2024-12-20T04:39:25+00:00 Konrawut Khammahawong Open Journal Systems <p><strong>NCAO </strong>is a peer-reviewed, open-access international journal, that devotes to the publication of original articles of current interest in every theoretical, fixed point theory, numerical optimization, and optimization technique and their applications to science and engineering. All manuscripts are refereed under the same standards as those used by the finest-quality printed mathematical journals. Accepted papers will be published online in their final form as an NCAO formatted PDF. and will be published in two issues annually in June and December.</p> A Self-adaptive Super Set-relaxed Projection Method for Multiple-sets Split Feasibility Problem with Multiple Output Sets 2024-09-08T00:33:37+00:00 Guash Haile Taddele Songpon Sriwongsa Attapol Kaewkhao <p>This paper introduces an inertial accelerated super set-relaxed CQ method to solve a multiple-sets split feasibility problem with multiple output sets. The convex subsets involved are assumed to be level subsets of given strongly convex functions. Instead of using the involved sets, we approximate the original convex subsets with a sequence of closed balls. The proposed method is easy to implement as the projection onto the closed ball has a closed form. Additionally, we develop a new self-adaptive step-size that does not require any prior information of the norm. Under suitable assumptions, we establish and prove a strong convergence result for the algorithm. Numerical experiments are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm, which generalizes and improves upon existing literature.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Guash Haile Taddele, Songpon Sriwongsa, Attapol Kaewkhao Ciric-Rhoades-Type Contractive Mappings 2024-09-17T07:56:59+00:00 Shehu Shagari Mohammed Rhoda Chiroma Sirajo Yahaya <p>The available literature shows that weakly contractive operators have been thoroughly researched in relation to metric spaces and associated fixed point theorems. These efforts, which broaden the concept of symmetric and asymmetric spaces, however, have not yet fully grasped the context of metric-like spaces.Considering this gap, this manuscripts introduces the notion of generalized weakly quasi contractive operators in metric-like space and investigates the existence and uniqueness of these operators' fixed points. Non-trivial comparative examples are constructed to support the assertions forming the main ideas herein. Some corollaries indicating that the idea of this paper encompasses a few related ones in the literature are highlighted and addressed.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Shehu Shagari Mohammed, Rhoda Chiroma, Sirajo Yahaya