About the Journal
About the Journal
The journal Nonlinear Convex Analysis and Optimization (NCAO): An International Journal on Numerical, Computation and Applications, published by the Theoretical and Computational Science Center (TaCS Center) aims to publish original research papers and survey articles of high quality in mathematics areas of computational and application aspects of nonlinear analysis, convex analysis, fixed point theory, numerical optimization, optimization techniques and their applications to science and engineering, and related topics. It is planned to publish only high-quality papers consisting of material not published elsewhere. It will also occasionally publish proceedings of conferences (co)-organized by the TaCS-CoE and NCAO-Research Center, KMUTT.
Publication Frequency
NCAO publishes one volume per year. Usually, a volume consists of two issues with about 200 pages each.
From 2020 onwards, the journal is published every three months, consisting of two issues per year ( June and December). All manuscripts are refereed under the same standards as those used by the finest-quality printed mathematical journals. Accepted papers will be published online in their final forms using the NCAO template and will be published in four issues annually.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public.

Publication Charges
There are no charges to submit and publish an article in the Nonlinear Convex Analysis and Optimization (NCAO): An International Journal on Numerical, Computation and Applications. All articles published in our journal are open access and are freely and widely available to all readers via the journal website.
Nonlinear Convex Analysis and Optimization: An International Journal on Numerical, Computation, and Applications is a journal entirely devoted to nonlinear convex analysis, optimization, and its applications. Especially, in the year 2020, the 60th anniversary KMUTT and the 5th of the Center of Excellence in Theoretical and Computational Science (TaCS-CoE) become form TaCS-Center, KMUTT. This center started in 2014 at the initiative and under the guidance of Professor Sompong Dhompongsa. The yearly publication of the symposium was the International Symposium on Nonlinear Convex Analysis and Optimization (since 2018). The Journal on Nonlinear Convex Analysis and Optimization (since 2020) are continuations of this publication.
The International Symposium on Nonlinear Convex Analysis and Optimization 2020 (NCAO2020) is the third of its series organized annually by the Center of Excellence in Theoretical and Computational Science Center (TaCS-CoE). The second International Symposium on Nonlinear Convex Analysis and Optimization 2019 (NCAO2020) is the second of its series organized annually by the NCAO-Research Center and Theoretical and Computational Science Center (TaCS Center) held during September 4-6, 2019, Also in this year, we have a Satellite even to A Seminar on Topics and Trends in Fixed Point Theory and Applications on September 11-11, 2019. The first event, NCAO2018, held during July 19-22, 2018, was a big success in the goal of bringing together leading international experts in nonlinear and convex analysis for exclusive and intensive lectures.
In 2018, The first International Symposium on Numerical Convex Analysis and Applications (NCAO) was organized in KMUTT and due to its great success, we henceforth tried to organize the same event every year with an aim to bring together the researchers and enthusiasts in this specific topic. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Thai government safety measures, the previous and present NCAO (2020 and 2021 respectively) were forced to be an online event. In 2020, the NCAO2020 aims at bringing together the outstanding mathematicians in the areas related to optimization, variational inequality, equilibrium theory, Numerical optimization, Computation fixed point and Nash games in both theoretical and applied perspectives.